Thursday, March 17, 2011

Strange Fruit

This is the fruit that the cashew comes from. I don't really have a good description of the flavor for you, but it was kind of a strange mix of strawberry, rhubarb, and a hint of tomato or bell pepper texture thrown in. I know that sounds gross, but they are actually quite good!

Really this is just a banana, but it is notable because there are two stuck together. Siamese bananas. 

Lately Juan, our cook, has included passion fruit in our morning fruit snack (which is also were we encountered the double banana) It has definitely been a favorite with many of the students. To eat it, you just rip it in half and do your best to keep the slimy goopy seed globs on your spoon while you bring it to your mouth. The mucus-like stuff is really sweet, and the seeds add a nice tart little sing. Again, I'm making it sound gross, but it really is good. It has the loving nickname "Alien egg" from some of the students that couldn't remember what it was.
Gotta love alien-eggs

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you talk about fruit. "Notable", "mucus", "siamese banana". Laughing to myself in class.
