Monday, March 21, 2011

My Weekend

Just a quick update on what I've been doing with my time:
Saturday Hollie, Lauren, and Hollie's host brother Tom and I all went to San Jose. We found two markets to bum around in, and also went to the central square that has the National Theater and the museums.

Sunday we went to San Rafael's farmers market to buy tons of fruit, vegetables, and some pupusas for breakfast. If you don't know what those are, look at the end of this entry.

In the afternoon we had a birthday party for one of Lula's sisters, which meant tons of food, two very popular babies, and lots of funny stories.

After the party, Lula and Natty and I ran to the mall (because not a week can go by without a mall visit for them).

And then on the way back we looked at new housing developments, because Natty is contemplating buying a house. That was actually really interesting for me. For example, the two houses that we visited first had very open kitchens, and the last one had a kitchen much more closed off from the rest of the house. While it seems that everyone in the states doesn't want to be trapped in the kitchen but want a kitchen very open to the house, Lula and Natty both said they hated the kitchens where everyone could see in, because that meant that when you cook dinner for someone, they see what a mess you've made in your kitchen.

To each his own, I suppose.

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