Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saturday at the Country Club

This was actually quite some time ago, but the Saturday before I left for all my travels, Lula and I went to a Spanish country club with Alexandria and Sarah (two of my fellow students) and Jenny, Adam, Ravi and Justin (our sociology professor, her husband, and two boys). We spent a lovely day in the sunshine. There was a very nice pool, minigolfing, lots of trees, and playgrounds. Very relaxing day!

Picnic Lunch!

Adam and the boys

Mini-golf, Central American style (it was a little dangerous, with rust nails and everything.)

Lula saw that the mango trees at the country club had green mangos. She loves green mangos, so she found a worker and asked him to knock down some mangos. So he got a ladder, climbed up in the tree, and used  a huge hook/stick thing to knock down some mangos.

Somehow Lula always convinces people to do what she wants them to.

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