Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last few days of school

Monday the 9th was my last day at Roblealto, the school I helped at for the semester. Definitely a bitter-sweet day. After being in the fifth grade class three months I finally felt like I knew all the students, knew more or less what I was doing, and like I was actually making a difference. And then, of course, I have to leave. I felt like Mary Poppins, leaving at the change of the wind. 

My very last day went very well. I taught English class one last time, very off the cuff, but it worked. The rest of the day was pretty normal, but for the last half hour got to have a party. All the kids had cards they wrote me, a couple of the girls had dance routines they prepared, we all ate hot dogs, and it was lots of fun! Mostly we just took goofy pictures and the kids danced around to the music. Unfortunately, due to privacy rules, I can't publish any pictures of the students here. I do, however, have pictures of their notes.
Notes on the white board
All the notes and the poster they gave me.

Back up on campus, we had a little school left. Mostly I furiously worked on finishing up everything I needed to do for my projects for my education credit and my independent study. But I also managed to squeeze in a few fun things. One of them was making a Tres Leches cake with Kata. She was kind enough to gather all the ingredients (since I was too frazzle-brained to remember them) and Lindy was kind enough to let us use his kitchen. It turned out to be downright delicious, if I do say so myself.

We shared it with the campus staff and other students for coffee break. Fun times.
Kata cleaning the pan. It was that good.

Adam and Justin liked it too

Diego, Rosie, Amy, and Juan

 From left to right: Juan our cook, me, Rosie the cleaning lady, Diego the maintenance guy, and Amy
It was a fun little party!

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