Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Javier!

My host cousin just had his 15th birthday last week, so we had an excuse for another family gathering!

Between when we got back from the Pacific coast trip and our journey to Manuel Antonio, I had exactly 24 hours at my house. So, I went with the fam to see a movie, to mass, and then to the birthday party-lunch. I think I slept a little in there somewhere as well.

-Joking around with the aunts (in Spanish, of course) and actually feeling like I knew what was going on and I could say what I wanted. Excito!
-The very sincere and heartfelt toasts everyone gave for Javier. It was really sweet to hear their birthday wishes for him. Especially one cousin, who said, "Hope you have a happy birthday." Kind of reminds me of a cousin I have in the states...
-A bunch of fat little puppies. Even though I'm not an animal person, I thought they were fun.
-Javier's Lightning McQueen birthday cake! Yes, I typed it correctly at the opening of this post. Fifteen.

Sister and Aunt helping to light the two candles

All the family and friends..that would fit in one photo that is.

Big sister birthday hug

Three very different reactions to "Say Cake!"

Alexandria enjoying her Cars cake

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